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Facebook ads are becoming more popular than ever. They’re a great way to get more traffic to your website, make more sales, and increase engagement. But with this popularity does come a lot more misinformation, which leads to quite a few myths related to Facebook ads.

Confusion and misunderstandings concerning Facebook ads will happen, but don’t let it deter you from starting your own Facebook ad campaign.

Don’t let these common myths scare you out of trying Facebook ads for yourself.

3 Common Facebook Ad Myths

In my latest Facebook live, I cover the top three Facebook ad myths, and debunk them! I don’t want you to have any hesitations about trying Facebook ads simply because of incorrect information. Remember the old saying “just because it’s on the internet, doesn’t make it true”? This goes for Facebook ads too!

Did you know you don’t really need to spend a ton of money to start marketing with Facebook ads? In fact, anyone could get started for as little as $5 a day! If you want to hear more about this and the other two myths that I debunk, check out my Facebook Live video below.

If you enjoyed this Facebook live, let’s connect!

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