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Let’s set up your Facebook pixel!

Check this off your to-do list so you’re ready to run ads in the future!

Many first-time Facebook advertisers struggle to get the results they want with their campaigns. One big mistake I see many newbies making is that they don’t have their Facebook pixel installed on their site!

What’s the Facebook pixel?

The Facebook pixel is a little piece of code that goes on your website to track site visitors and their behavior on your blog posts, download pages, and everywhere else on your website. The pixel helps us know more about our audience so we can find them — and more people like them! — when we create our ads on Facebook.

If “little piece of code” sounds like a whole lot of confusing, don’t worry! I’m here to help!

I created a super-quick training to walk you through the exact steps. These are a part of the instructions that I provide to clients and students of my signature program, Flourish with Facebook Ads!

How to Create Your Facebook Pixel

Resources Mentioned:

To find your personal Facebook Pixel, use this shortcut link.


For now, we’ll move directly to the next step, manually installing the pixel code. Below, I’ll show you two of the most common places where you will want to have your pixel code installed!

Manually Install the Pixel Code on Your WordPress Website


Manually Install the Pixel Code on Leadpages

Resources Mentioned:

In the video, I mentioned that I use Leadpages for my website. They can really work for you too, so click here to check out Leadpages


For a full tutorial on installing your Facebook pixel on all your websites,

Check out my online training and group coaching program, Flourish with Facebook Ads!

  1. Thank you, Monica. I was able to set up my facebook pixel id with your help! See you later today 🙂

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