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Facebook currently has 2 billion users, and I don’t see this changing anytime soon.
You’re a smart business owner, right?! You want to spend your time on things that get you the most return on your investment.
You already know the importance of using social media to grow your business and thrive in the ever moving “mobile” world.
What happens when you’re ready to take your business to the next level with Facebook marketing? The answer is that you start creating Facebook ads!
I realize that many of us want to create Facebook ads, but don’t really know where to start. Those of us with basic knowledge are afraid to waste our hard-earned money.
And then some of us spend money but never really create a successful ad — which causes us to blame Facebook.
Can you relate?
Well, I’m here to tell you that Facebook isn’t out to get you. And there is a “secret sauce” that can help it work better for you!
How do you create successful Facebook ads?
There are quite a few techniques and strategies for creating successful Facebook ads. I’ve shared many of them on my Facebook Page, as well as in several blog posts.
However, there are many more secrets just waiting to be discovered! And that’s the beauty of Facebook ads — they are constantly changing and evolving.
I’ve received many questions about my Facebook ads from current clients as well as viewers of my weekly Facebook Lives. Many of my clients have been able to run successful campaigns. They’ve had CPC’s (or cost per click) as LOW as $0.01 and conversion campaigns as low as $0.32 per email subscriber.
If you’re hoping to receive similar results with your Facebook ads campaign, I can help. Do you have burning questions about how we’ve done it and how you can do it?
Take a moment to fill in this form and I’ll be happy to answer them!